Research and Development — Past, Present and Future

Long before the formal incorporation of EFI, while operating on a minimal budget through private donations, our staff and volunteers had begun to research and develop solutions to local and global challenges through application of existing technologies, as well as new (pending patent) technologies.

EFI has continued with this uphill battle to forge ahead and demonstrate steady progress in this monumental task.

The following is an abbreviated history of our applied research:

Since 1969 (Ongoing)

Project Gypsy — Applications of Coanda Geometry in the sub-sea environment for manned and remote investigations of our last unexplored frontier. This is a critical tool in our quest to better understand our fragile and precariously teetering environment.

Project Rover (Remotely Operated Vehicle for Education and Research) — is to bring students and teachers face-to-face with the undersea environment.

1981 - 1988

Synergy Tower — A magnetic suspension/power-coupled, torque feedback vertical axis wind turbine (VAWR) integrating wind, solar, electrostatic and biomass power with flywheel buffered storage and hydrogen fuel production.

Since 1982 (Ongoing)

Project Liberty — A coastal synergy power station utilizing solar, wind, biomass and electrostatic among other energy systems for onsite power production to operate atmospheric carbon capture, sequestration through biomass uptake, carbonification and carbon separation, production of fresh water and hydrogen fuel for local power plants and transportation systems use. Projected carbon capture would cancel the carbon footprint for a major segment of a large metropolitan area while producing 100 million gallons of fresh water daily.

1984 - 1988

Project Swift Giant (Acoustic Resonance Coanda Propulsion System) — Utilizing controlled standing waves for fluid propulsion. This is an extremely high efficiency mechanism for moving fluids.

Project Explorer — Advanced interactive computer-aided education, developed in response to six federal educational studies of flaws, weaknesses and failings of modern education. This was conducted in conjunction with the Hillsborough County school system and with support from Florida Congressman Sam Gibbons.

1986 - 1996

Project UTAHE (Undersea Technologies Applied Habitation Experiment) — Applications of advanced alternative technologies for the sub-sea industry, including use of polymer impregnated cement, resource conversion and onsite-fabrication of habitats through electro-calcification of seawater.

Since 1986 (Ongoing)

Project Domicile — Advanced human habitation technology applied to home construction to create safe, healthy, secure and self-sufficient homes providing their own electricity, automotive fuel, water, waste management and income. Operated as profitable home businesses, they would provide power and goods to the community, and would offer financial protection to the homeowner.

Since 1988 (Ongoing)

Project Agrotech (Agricultural Technology) — The failure of modern chemical farming is addressed through this alternative approach that combines an enclosed storm-proof greenhouse, a chemical and pest-free environment, hydroponics, permaculture, carbon and UV enrichment, vertical horticultural and zero-point grazing with a balanced eco-power system of solar, wind, biomass and other energy systems to create a sustainable food/fuel production system with biomass yield 100 times greater than the most productive chemical agriculture.

Since 1988 (Ongoing)

Project Scorpion — Automotive synergy based on dual fuel (hydrogen/ethanol), Stirling engine, fuel cell, flywheel, and electric wheel motors in a long life standard base chassis with 20-30 year service life. Recyclable upper chassis is designed for replacement on 1-10 year cycle with exchange value based on wear. The goal is to achieve a reduction in the purchase and the operating cost of a personal vehicle.

Since 1992 (Ongoing)

OSPREY (Ocean Synergy Production of Renewable Energy Yield) — Application of total synergy concept to the ocean environment, utilizing ocean currents, waves, tides, thermal differentials and biomass, wind and solar energy resources to produce energy, water, ethanol, bio-diesel and hydrogen fuel for sub-seafloor pipeline transport to coastal power plants. Fueling power generating stations with ocean synergy produced hydrogen would have the most immediate and far reaching impact on society's carbon footprint in some areas canceling 40-60% of local carbon emissions.

Since 1994 (Ongoing)

Project ReCo (Resource Conversion) — Addressing the global problem of waste management, ReCo would eliminate landfills and contemporary sewage treatment by utilizing these untapped resources within a Total Synergy infrastructure to produce construction materials, energy, fertilizers and other consumer products, effectively reducing the tax burden for essential services, reducing pollution of air, water and soil, and creating a wide array of new employment opportunities.

Since 2000 (Ongoing)

The Green Earth Project — continues with focus on Total Synergy, development of the Total Synergy Farms for food, fuels and atmospheric remediation, and an aggressive campaign of fundraising.

With adequate funding these projects could have a significant impact on global warming within five to ten years, and address other symptoms of a non-sustainable society including our crumbling economy, social conflicts over resources, many diseases of toxicity such as cancer, heart disease, violent behavior and attention deficit disorder, and our susceptibility to an ever more volatile climate.

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