Address the barriers to sustainable culture:
Denial of accountability — the global warming culture
The throw-away mentality — resource waste and depletion
Prevailing social values — apathy, greed, ignorance and narcissism
Misinformation campaigns — funded by corporate and political agendas
The contaminated food chain — chemical pollution of soil, air and water
Address the man-made problems of non-sustainable culture:
Climate change/Ocean acidification
Economic collapse
Ecological collapse from pollution of air, water and land
Wide-spread use of toxic chemicals
Disease, poor nutrition, illiteracy and poverty
Chemical allergies, aggression, and sexual abnormalities in humans
International conflicts, and terrorism
Remediate the threat from climate change:
Reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Recapture and conversion of excess atmospheric carbon
Retard deforestation and water pollution
Restore natural carbon sequestration mechanisms
Reveal and debunk misinformation campaigns
Facilitate the creation of one million family owned and operated organocide-free farms:
For the production of natural food, water, fuels, electrical power — the capture of excess atmospheric CO2 and sequestration of carbon through biomass and carbon-based durable goods
To stimulate the economy, reduce pollution, disease and poverty
To fight climate change
To move toward national energy independence
Take the first steps toward international peace through sharing this technology globally
Launch a program of public education to:
Promote acceptance of accountability and demonstrate individual actions for remediation
Expose the money trail of funding for misinformation counter to sustainability and the basis for this deceptive agenda
Inform children and adults of the health hazards of chemical pollution, what we can do to avoid these hazards, and how to reduce the widespread epidemic of chemical-related problems
Remove legal and bureaucratic barriers in order to achieve a sustainable culture
Convey understanding of what mistakes led society to this crisis and how history can teach us to avoid repeating these mistakes
Usher in a new era of transportation:
Through widespread adoption of alternative fuels (alcohols, bio-diesel, methane and hydrogen)
By optimizing existing aviation, marine and land vehicles for alternative fuels use, and by creating a new generation of vehicles designed for maximum safety, efficiency and durability with minimum carbon and chemical footprint
Invigorate the global housing market:
Through creation of sustainable homes
Energy efficient and cost effective to build
Offering secure shelter against many common threats
Healthy pollution-free interiors
Providing clean air, water, fuel and energy
Capture and disposal of atmospheric CO2
Income from sale of excess resources
Adopt Resource Conversion in place of waste disposal:
Converting all post consumer materials into new useable products for energy and construction.
Motivate industry, governments and individuals to:
Adopt sustainable technology throughout the global infrastructure
Abandon use of petroleum derivatives for food, pharmaceuticals, plastics and organicides.
Implement sustainable technologies:
Within present and emerging markets through technology exchange partnerships to produce durable goods based on carbon technology and powered by natural energy resources.
Encourage sustainable social, political, cultural and economic initiatives to:
Empower individuals to do what governments have been unable to do
Fix the problems with energy, environment, education, agriculture and public health without creating unintended consequences.
Explore applications of new and emerging technologies that:
Comply with the principles of the Green Earth Paradigm
Offer hope for sustainable application and improvement in quality of life
Avoid or minimize use of toxic chemicals
Indicate a general benefit without the need for acceptable collateral exclusions
Lead the collective social consciousness:
Toward a higher state of awareness of the human community and our surrounding environment
To embrace the need for a moral fabric of rights, obligations and behavior to sustain a cohesive and functional civilization
Toward recognition of altruistic efforts as courageous, noble, heroic and held in high esteem by society and;
To acknowledge personal and community sustainable development as integral to our collective survival