Project Green Earth is the Earth Foundation's flagship program for facilitating awareness of renewable resources, implementing sustainable solutions and achieving humanity in harmony with nature by bringing together the necessary solutions to showcase available technology and demonstrate the practicality and economic potential for commercialization.
The Green Earth Program consists of public education campaigns, functional Total Synergy farms, ongoing research and development of expanded Total Synergy concepts in energy, environment, education, agriculture and public health and development of technology partnerships with commercial entities.
Public education campaigns include presentations on issues related to energy, environment, education, agriculture and public health and concerns and opportunities for improvement.
The Total Synergy Farms are the practical application of these integrated technologies within a functional, operating prototype of the Green Earth Paradigm. A minimum of five to ten acre parcels of agricultural zoned land is developed for owner management; servicing the needs of the local community for food, fuels, fertilizer, compost and waste disposal. Local resources, including harvested biomass, environmental energies and discarded waste is processed to produce electrical power, liquid and gaseous fuels (bio-diesel, ethanol, methane and hydrogen) and other agricultural products, and actively contribute to remediation of global warming by extraction of excess atmospheric CO2 and sequestration through biomass uptake and production of carbon products.
Research and development continues on a variety of projects including energy conversion systems for automotive, marine and aviation, aids to environmental remediation, educational software, agricultural technologies and devices for enhanced public health.
Technology partnerships continue to evolve with ongoing discussions of funding and construction for two Total Synergy Farms, one in the United States and the other in Greece. Each of these projects will utilize local resources and raw materials for energy production — with each site tailored for optimum resource utilization.
Project Green Earth brings all these efforts together, collectively integrated under the guiding principle of Total Synergy, with the combined affect greater than the sum of the individual parts, and co-operative interaction within the paradigm to achieve sustainability.
These alternatives are neither expensive, nor complicated and can be commercialized by large corporations as well as small independent entrepreneurs to forge a new path of self-sufficient, sustainable independence effectively dealing with the challenges of global survival.